Petitioning Everland zoo in Korea) We want Everland to renovate Tongki’s enclosure and to stop its plan to bring more polar bears to the zoo. > 2022년 1분기 동물시험윤리위원회 위원교육 안내

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Petitioning Everland zoo in Korea) We want Everland to renovate Tongki…

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작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 4,375회 작성일 15-07-16 20:18



Please sign the petition to save the polar bear, Tongki in Everland, Korea.

Everland ( is known as one of the best zoos in Korea. It is run by Cheil Industries, which is an affiliate of the Samsung Group.  It offers many attractions, such as a theme park, zoo, safari, and other seasonal festivals, and experiential programs.

But Tongki is suffering. He is green with algae and he stereotypes intensively.  This means that he constantly engages in abnormal behaviors often displayed by animals in captivity that are unnatural or different from normal behaviors he would display in his natural habitat.

When it’s hot, he suffers even more.  Korean summers are hot and humid, and they are true torture for Tongki.  Polar bears in nature live in extensive, large territories. They need enough space for walking, running, hunting, eating, bathing, cleaning, playing, sleeping, and bedding.  They also need a way to cool down.

However, Tongki’s enclosure is very small and barren.  It lacks just about everything he needs. It does not have natural surfaces and substrates, enhancements and furnishings, shelter, and a proper pool and cooling system for hot and humid weather.  In addition, Tongki does not get proper mental and emotional enrichment. He has no opportunity for mental stimulation. All he does is pace, sway, and sleep.

We have requested the renovation of Tongki’s enclosure, but have not received any promising answer from Everland.  We also found out that they have plans to add more polar bears to the zoo.

We have been working with 'Zoocheck Canada' and 'Born Free Foundation' to improve Tongki’s living conditions.  These organizations reconfirmed how terrible Tongki’s current situation is, and that his enclosure needs to be removed as soon as possible.

Polar bears live in the circumpolar north. They walk at a pace of about three miles per hour, so they need room to roam.  Almost all polar bears in zoos display destructive stereotypical behaviors.  Polar bears in zoos are suffering terribly.  Tongki is suffering terribly.

'Action for Animals' in Korea is running a campaign for Tongki. We want Everland to renovate Tongki’s enclosure and to stop its plan to bring more polar bears to the zoo.

We need your support to make this happen. Please sign for Tongki.


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